Dark Mist

Now 80% off for a limited time! Now 80% off for a limited time! Dark Mist is a card game that combines elements of the roguelike deckbuilding genre. with monsters that appear in waves. defeat monsters, level up during mid-battle to keep yourself going. About this game: ● Your health is equal to the number of cards in your deck. Every time you take 1 damage, the enemy takes 1 card. When you lose all your cards, the game ends. ● Monsters are swarming in! Defeat them line by line. You need to carefully determine the order of killing monsters, which will have an important impact on your later actions. A reasonable killing order will make your later battles more efficient, otherwise you may die suddenly. ● Gain experience points and level up as you defeat monsters. Adding new cards to your deck to press forward. ● Four characters. Each character has a different way of fighting. ● More than 300+ cards are available, with over 70+ props, 30+ events, 80+ different kinds of monsters and 15 bosses. ● Three game modes: standard mode, custom mode and daily challenge mode. Dark Mist is a card game that combines elements of the roguelike deckbuilding genre. with monsters that appear in waves. defeat monsters, level up during mid-battle to keep yourself going. About this game: ● Your health is equal to the number of cards in your deck. Every time you take 1 damage, the enemy takes 1 card. When you lose all your cards, the game ends. ● Monsters are swarming in! Defeat them line by line. You need to carefully determine the order of killing monsters, which will have an important impact on your later actions. A reasonable killing order will make your later battles more efficient, otherwise you may die suddenly. ● Gain experience points and level up as you defeat monsters. Adding new cards to your deck to press forward. ● Four characters. Each character has a different way of fighting. ● More than 300+ cards are available, with over 70+ props, 30+ events, 80+ different kinds of monsters and 15 bosses. ● Three game modes: standard mode, custom mode and daily challenge mode.




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OS : ios

Version : 2.0

Size : Size 297.2 MB

Updated : March 30, 2021

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